Queen Rose Music is a music label, which specializes in releasing empowering and inspiring music to uplift people and to build bridges around the world. We are committed to creating a shift in the entertainment and media industries from negative to empowering messages.


Please go to ROSE BARTU’s website to read how ROSWITHA continued as artist ROSE BARTU with her new music after the DESTINY album.

ALBUM REVIEWS: Please go to the PRESS page to read the album reviews for Roswitha’s DESTINY album.

RADIO PLAYS: Please go to the EVENT page to read about radio plays for Roswitha’s DESTINY album, Podcasts & Contests.


Queen Rose Productions is The Cutting Edge of Music Entertainment committed to fulfilling our customers’ needs for specialized music entertainment, from classical to Jazz, Jewish, Indian, Pop, R&B, or anything you can imagine. We will put it on stage for you! Go to this page for some CUSTOMER REVIEWS.